plan your visit
Planning a visit to Lassen Volcanic National Park?
Let us help!
Forecast for LVNP or surrounding cities. Our weather is usually quite different from the valley.
There are no “nearby” gas stations. Fuel up in Red Bluff, Chester, Old Station, Redding, or Shingletown… There are times when there is fuel available at the camper store near Manzanita Lake, but it is seasonal and variable.
There are a few areas around that have lodging, Chester, Hat Creek, Mineral, Mill Creek, Old Station, or Shingletown.
If you are backcountry camping in the park, there are bear canister requirements, please check with the LVNP website for dates. Our Lassen Association stores do have Small and Large Bear Canisters for rent.
Please download, complete, and bring THIS form with you to complete your rental.
Maps, guidebooks, trail guides, road guides, and much more to help make your visit a pleasant one. These can be found at one of our physical stores or here online.
What to expect and the most current information - please click on this link.